Document Type : Original Article


1 DBA Ph.D. Student, Business Management Department, Industrial Management Organization, Semnan, Iran.

2 DBA Ph.D. Student, Business Management Department, Industrial Management Organization, Semnan, Iran


Purpose: Today, the discussion on the characteristics of proper management and its tremendous effects on the innovation performance of organizations in both public and private sectors is evident. Recently, new management styles have been proposed that can be highly effective in implementing strategies and achieving organizational goals. This research examines how management characteristics impact organizational innovation performance by mediating organizational learning and moderating self-control in the Village Industrial Group.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The current research is based on objective criteria in the applied research group, employing the time criterion for data collection in the survey research group. It adopts a quantitative research approach based on the nature of the data and focuses on the characteristics of the subject or the research problem in correlation or concordance research. The research involves first-hand data collection through a field research method using the questionnaire technique, emphasizing the depth of comprehensive research. The primary tool for collecting information is a questionnaire, including four standard questionnaires: management characteristics (2001), organizational performance, organizational learning, and self-control. The questionnaire's validity was ensured through face and content validity, using a 5-point Likert scale. Data analysis was performed using SPSS23 statistical software and SmartPLS3 structural equation modeling. The questionnaire, presented as a 5-point Likert scale, underwent validity checks through content validity, with input from managers of the production, quality, and after-sales service management unit, confirming its acceptability. Reliability was established with Cronbach's alpha of 0.880, 0.852, 0.901, and 0.832, respectively. The statistical population of this research includes 1,600 people, encompassing managers, leaders, and workers of the industrial group in the Village. The research sample consists of 310 people, determined through simple random sampling according to Morgan's table.
Findings: This study relies on the resource-based perspective and knowledge-based perspective theories to explain how the Village Industrial Group achieves innovation through its internal and intangible resources. The findings demonstrate significant effects of management characteristics and organizational learning on organizational innovation performance, providing support for the meaning and expansion of these theories. The research findings reveal that management characteristics positively and significantly impact organizational innovation performance in RoostaGroup Co. Additionally, management characteristics positively affect organizational learning in RoostaGroup Co. Management characteristics have a positive mediating effect on organizational learning and a significant impact on innovation performance in RoostaGroup Co. Self-control positively moderates the effect of management characteristics on organizational learning in RoostaGroup Co.
Discussion and Conclusion: The present study investigated the impact of management characteristics on organizational innovation performance with the mediation of organizational learning and moderation of self-control in RoostaGroup Co. The results indicate that management characteristics have a positive effect on innovation performance. Organizational learning plays a mediating role in the relationship between management characteristics and innovation performance, while self-control plays a moderating role.


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